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Fixing My NodeJS Install

For a long time, I’ve had an old version of Node.js running on my personal laptop (macOS Big Sur 11.16.1) and until now I had been trying to ignore it:

node --version
# 12.3.1

Seeing nvm was already installed (had I used brew?), I thought, “oh yeah, I already tried to fix this months ago”. The result then after installing nvm and LTS version was still the same old version. Fed up with guessing and trying to patch things up, my path forward was to:

  1. remove all files installed by NodeJS, including the previous nvm install;
  2. install and uninstall with homebrew to help with the cleanup; and
  3. install and use nvm to install NodeJS.

Note: Remember to close and open a new terminal window between some of these steps. Many executables, NodeJS included, will update to PATH and other environment variables, and your current terminal session won’t have those updates. A common way to fix that is to close the terminal window and open a new one.

Finding all the dangly directories

To start, I did a web search for “brew uninstall node” to find this StackOverflow question. Scanning the answers and comments over the years, NodeJS and some global modules install things, well… everywhere.

|_ bin/node
|_ bin/npm
|_ include/node*
|_ lib/dtrace/node.d
|_ lib/node*
|_ share/man/man1/node.1

|_ .node*
|_ .npm*
|_ .nvm

Through trial and error, I kept poking (ls -al), removing (rm -rf), then closing the terminal and checking if it was finally gone (node --version).

Note: which node is super useful if you want to see where the node executable is hiding!

Uninstalling the node cask (brew)

I admit the following was a little bit superstitous. I probably installed NodeJS from the website but I suspected I had also tried brew install node. Also, there were probably still PATH variables or symbolic links still hanging around, and I wasn’t sure how to manually sniff them all out. To cover my bases, I uninstalled the node cask and did some extra cleanup—a modification on an answer on StackOverflow:

brew update
brew uninstall node

# check for warnings
brew doctor

# remove old lockfiles, old downloads, old versions
brew cleanup node
# remove only symlinks and directories for prefix
brew cleanup node --prune-prefix

As an extra precaution, I also removed the nvm cask:

brew uninstall nvm
brew cleanup nvm

To verify both were removed, I closed and opened a new terminal to check:

node --version
# node: command not found

nvm --version
# nvm: command not found

Doing it the right way: nvm

With NodeJS uninstalled, going forward nvm would manage NodeJS versions. The official instructions for install and update on GitHub were easy to follow:

curl -o- | bash

Next, I closed and opened a new terminal and verified the install:

command -v nvm
# nvm

Finally, I installed LTS and used it:

nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts

node --version
# v16.13.1

This whole ordeal was messy. Have you had troubles trying to update NodeJS? Did you solve it and update your version?